Oradores Convidados

 José Luis Porcar (IPC)

Nasceu em Castellón (España) a 3/09/1950
Licenciado em Ciências Físicas (Universidad de Valencia, 1974)
Técnico Cerâmico desde 1976. Diretor Técnico do Instituto de Promoción Cerámica desde 1984
Autor e gestor do Proyecto de Catalogación de la Cerámica Arquitectónica, desde 1990
Autor e gestor do Proyecto Colocación, desde 1994. Membro do Comité Técnico da Qualicer desde 1990
Coautor do Manual-Guía Técnica de los Revestimientos y Pavimentos Cerámicos (ISBN 84-505-6189-2, julio 1987)
Editor e Coautor do CD-ROM Guía Electrónica de la Tecnología de Colocación de Baldosas Cerámicas (Septiembre 1998)
Autor do libro Defectos y disfunciones en alicatados y solados. Diagnosis y prevención (ISBN 84-9316420-8, junio 2005) editado por ATC/IPC

eu47  José Aguiar (CIAUD/UTL-FA)

Color and architectural surfaces conservation: tiles (real or faked)

José Aguiar, Architect, Professor at the Technical University of Lisbon School of Architecture. Researcher at LNEC (National Laboratory of Civil Engineer) during almost 20 years, working on Architectonic Conservation and Urban Rehabilitation, and member of several national and international research teams, and Scientific Commissions (ICOMOS-CIVVIH; CIF, ISO20C, etc.). Author of “Color and Historical City” (Cor e cidade histórica. Porto: Edições FAUP, 2003), co-author of the Portuguese “Technical Guide on Dwelling Rehabilitation” (with J. Paiva, and A. Pinho, LNEC-INH, 2006), and translated to Portuguese Cesare Brandi master piece Teoria del Restauro, (with D. Rodrigues, N. Proença, C. Prats, Teoria do Restauro. Lisboa: Orion, 2006). From 2007 to 2011 he was President of ICOMOS-Portugal. More information: http://home.fa.utl.pt/~jaguiar/  and http://mestrado-reabilitacao.fa.utl.pt/

Guest Speaker

  Maria do Rosário Veiga (LNEC)

Comunication: Conservation mortars as multifunctional and dynamic elements.
The case of mortars for historic tiled coverings

Maria do Rosário Veiga is a Civil Engineer by Instituto Superior Técnico (Technical University of Lisbon) since 1981 and has a Ph.D in Civil Engineering by Faculdade de Engenharia (University of Porto) since 1997. She is Senior Researcher at LNEC (Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil), being presently the Head of Building Finishes and Thermal Insulation Division. She develops studies on wall coverings materials and performance requirements and on the design of compatible mortars and wall coverings for conservation of historic heritage. She is presently participating in three Research Projects related to Conservation of Historic Mortars and coordinating one of them.
She is the Portuguese representative in the European group of preparation of European Guides for Technical Approval of ETICS and she is a member of the RILEM Committee TC SGM “Specifications for non-structural grouting of historic masonries and architectural surfaces”. She has supervised several Ph.D and Master thesis and is an author of many papers presented in Conferences or published in national and international scientific journals.

  Johan Kamermans (NT)

Comunication: In search of weather resistant tiles produced by Dutch ceramic tile factories, 1880-1930

Johan Kamermans (Gouda, Netherlands, 1966) has been curator of the Nederlands Tegelmuseum (Dutch Tile Museum, Otterlo) since 2000. He studied Social and Economic History and Medieval Studies at Utrecht University and wrote his PhD-thesis about material culture in the Krimpenerwaard in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries at Wageningen Agricultural University (1999).

He is editor of Tegel, the annual publication of the Friends of the Dutch Tile Museum, and  has written articles and books about Rozenburg (an important Art Nouveau pottery in The Hague), about the last Rotterdam tile works and about Gothic Revival tile panels. Recently he has published a survey of the history of Dutch tiles, based on the collection of the Dutch Tile Museum (Het Tegel boek, Zwolle 2011).